What to download
You need to download WEB GUI, License key and sniffer. To install it all please follow step by step installation guide. Before you start please read sniffer manual and WEB GUI manual.Download WEB GUI
VoIPmonitor WEB GUI 2025.3.1 (6.3.2025)
- PHP 8.3
- PHP 8.2
- PHP 8.1
- PHP 7.4
- PHP 7.3
- PHP 7.2
- PHP 7.1
- PHP 7.0
- PHP 5.6
- PHP 5.5
- PHP 5.4
- PHP 5.3
- License key
- Change log
- Manual
Download GNU/GPL sniffer
(STABLE) VoIPmonitor sniffer 2025.02.2: 17.02.2025
- VoIPmonitor static binary 64bit
- VoIPmonitor static binary 32bit
- VoIPmonitor static binary ARM v6k (rpi and others)
- VoIPmonitor sources
source code [now only GIT!]
github.com github.com/voipmonitor/sniffer
git clone https://github.com/voipmonitor/sniffer.git
git clone git://git.code.sf.net/p/voipmonitor/git voipmonitor-git