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Since version 11 VoIPmonitor sniffer is able to decode and decrypt TLS SIP protocol by providing private key.

Please note that the sniffer only supports TLS layer and SSLv3 (not SSLv1 or SSLv2) layer which you can verify in CLIENT HELLO packet in wireshark where you can see SSL or TLS in header.

Decrypted SIP packets are converted to virtual UDP packets with the same ethernet headers replacing the IP TCP layer with UDP so you will not see the TCP stream in stored pcap files.

TLS feature is still in beta - if you will have any problems which are reproducible we need to see pcap file with the TLS packets (no need for RTP) and of course the private key.

Please note that TLS where cipher suite is set to Diffie–Hellman key exchange is not possible to decrypt by using only private key. In this case you have to use the above method with ssl key logger or change the cipher suite to use anything else than diffie hellman cipher suites.

VoIPmonitor is able to decrypt SRTP.


add to the voipmonitor.conf

ssl = yes
ssl_ipport = : 5061 /etc/private.key

where is server with TLS port 5061. Private key is in /etc/private.key and it is in PEM format (starting with -----BEGIN RSA PRIVATE KEY-----)

Decryption methods


VoIPmonitor version >= 27 can decrypt any application by using ssl key logger which logs keys directly by injecting openssl library (tested with openssl >= 1.0.1, on fusionpbx, kamailio, freeswitch and asterisk). Ssl key logger is a small library which uses LD_PRELOAD to intercept session keys. Those keys are then sent over UDP to the voipmonitor sniffer. The behaviour of applications (like asterisk / kamailio / freeswitch and all software using openssl) is not affected or changed - it only logs keys.

VoIPmonitor receiving those keys can receive keys from multiple sources at once (in case you are running more servers or multiple SIP proxies on one or more hosts)

This library is located in voipmonitor source tree: tools/ssl_keylogger/sslkeylog/sslkeylog.c



For compile the keylogger from sources you will need at least the opnessl development libraries installed


apt-get install libssl-dev


yum install openssl-devel

Compiling sslkeylogger

cd /usr/local/src
git clone voipmonitor-git
cd voipmonitor-git/tools/ssl_keylogger/

running keylogger

Testing keylogger

You should always test if the library / keylogger is working by this command:

env SSLKEYLOG_UDP='' LD_PRELOAD="/usr/local/src/voipmonitor-git/tools/ssl_keylogger/" openssl

The output should show similar output:

* SSL KEYLOG : OK detect pointer to function SSL_new : 0x7fe9d6e96540
* SSL KEYLOG : OK detect pointer to function SSL_CTX_set_keylog_callback : 0x7fe9d6e97870
* SSL KEYLOG : log to :
OpenSSL> root@voipmonitor

If you see SSL KEYLOG messages - the keylog is working


Asterisk binary is directly linking with libssl so we just need to preload our sslkeylog

env SSLKEYLOG_UDP='' LD_PRELOAD="/usr/local/src/voipmonitor-git/tools/ssl_keylogger/" asterisk -vvvgcd

edit your /etc/init.d/asterisk and put the env SSLKEYLOG_UDP='' LD_PRELOAD="/usr/local/src/voipmonitor-git/tools/ssl_keylogger/" appropriately so the asterisk will start with the preloaded key logger

SSLKEYLOG_UDP parameter tells to what IP and port keys should be sent (this is voipmonitor IP and port) - in this example it runs on the same host as asterisk (

how to put preload variables into sysctl/env file

Add following line into asterisk.service file


into asterisk.env put the environment variables ( for the sslkeylog preload ):



Kamailio uses module (which is linked to thus the LD_PRELOAD needs to load first

env SSLKEYLOG_UDP='' LD_PRELOAD="/usr/local/src/voipmonitor-git/tools/ssl_keylogger/ /usr/local/lib64/" kamailio 

In this example, our system uses compiled openssl from sources, thus the path to the libssl is /usr/local/lib64/ (on debian stock library is located in /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/

You need to modify your kamailio start scripts

On debian modify /etc/init.d/kamailio

env SSLKEYLOG_UDP='' LD_PRELOAD="/usr/local/src/voipmonitor-git/tools/ssl_keylogger/ /usr/local/lib64/" start-stop-daemon --start --quiet --pidfile $PIDFILE --exec $DAEMON -- $OPTIONS || log_failure_msg " already running"


We experienced non-working keylogger with default systemd's service file settings. Please change following systemd options (and then reload the systemd with 'systemctl daemon-reload')

ExecStart=env SSLKEYLOG_UDP='' LD_PRELOAD='/usr/local/src/voipmonitor-git/tools/ssl_keylogger/'  /usr/bin/freeswitch $FREESWITCH_PARAMS

Then in the /etc/sysconfig/freeswitch change the params (and restart the freeswitch service):

FREESWITCH_PARAMS="-rp -nonat -u freeswitch -g daemon -certs /etc/freeswitch/ssl"

Additionally there is necessary to change DEBUG in keylogger - disable it or redirect to syslog instead of stdout, in eylogger sources add following to redirect to sysog:


or disable debug at all (and recompile the keylogger after changes)

#define DEBUG 0

Fusion PBX

Example service file for systemd and freeswitch from fusionpbx

Description=freeswitch postgresql.service

Environment="DAEMON_OPTS=-nonat -rp -nf"
ExecStartPre=/bin/mkdir -p /var/run/freeswitch/
ExecStartPre=/bin/chown -R www-data:www-data /var/run/freeswitch/
ExecStart=env SSLKEYLOG_UDP='' LD_PRELOAD='/usr/src/voipmonitor-git/tools/ssl_keylogger/' /usr/bin/freeswitch -u www-data -g www-data $DAEMON_OPTS



configuring voipmonitor

Lets assume that SIP proxy is running on

edit : /etc/voipmonitor.conf 

enabling ssl_sessionkey UDP receiver

ssl_sessionkey_udp = yes
ssl_sessionkey_udp_port = 1234
ssl_sessionkey_udp_ip =  (this is not mandatory)
ssl_sessionkey_udp_maxwait_ms = 10000

enabling ssl decryption

ssl = yes
ssl_ipport =
ssl_ipport =

ssl_ipport can be specified multiple times in case voipmonitor should decrypt multiple SIP proxies - for example if you have more tcp tls servers and voipmonitor instance should decrypt more of them

Run the voipmonitor in usual way.

Testing TLS decryption


(tested with 16.xx)

Generate key:

openssl req -new -x509 -days 365 -nodes -out /etc/asterisk/keys/asterisk.pem -keyout /etc/asterisk/keys/asterisk.pem


callerid="500" <500>

start asterisk:

env SSLKEYLOG_UDP='' LD_PRELOAD=/usr/local/src/voipmonitor-git/tools/ssl_keylogger/ /usr/sbin/asterisk -vvvgcd

pjsua console SIP client

For easy testing, the fastest way to send REGISTER packet or call is to use pjsip pjsua binary (with compiled openssl support) pjsua is automatically compiled when compiling pjsip library 10.0.01 is the asterisk IP

pjsua --id "sip:500@;transport=tls" --registrar "sip:;transport=tls" --username "500" --password "ko0R9onX" --realm "*" "sip:1234@"   --use-tls --no-udp


for testing purpose there is no need to have voipmonitor.conf - just run the voipmonitort with this:

voipmonitor   -c -k -v1,pcap_stat_period=10,ssl_sessionkey,dump_sip_line \

ssl_sessionkey,dump_sip_line options will print SSL keys and decrypted SIP packets to the output:

If everything works it should looks like this:

voipmonitor-static[639]: calls[0,r:0][0,r:0] PS[C:-/- r:-/- S:-/- SR:- SM:- R:-/- A:61] SQLq[C:0] heap[0|0|0] [0.1Mb/s] tarQ[0] t0CPU[1.9%] t1CPU[0.4%] t2CPU[pb:0.4/S:-0.6%]
set clientrandom with type SERVER_HANDSHAKE_TRAFFIC_SECRET
| dd 1d 0e 0a 26 2f af bd 3d 85 83 f0 cd 3b a3 ff | |....&/..=....;..|
| bf 39 b3 df 05 36 8f 45 c2 b4 e4 c8 fb 86 11 7d | |.9...6.E.......}|
| a7 de ed 6e a8 b5 c0 b9 e4 94 43 2e 99 66 3d 5a | |...n......C..f=Z|
| 14 c8 8f 57 01 4a 2c 2c b8 3c e6 7b 1f e8 e7 b8 | |...W.J,,.<.{....|
| 94 7e c4 29 ab e7 99 eb b3 fc 77 ab 2a c6 9f e8 | |.~.)......w.*...|
set clientrandom with type CLIENT_HANDSHAKE_TRAFFIC_SECRET
| dd 1d 0e 0a 26 2f af bd 3d 85 83 f0 cd 3b a3 ff | |....&/..=....;..|
| bf 39 b3 df 05 36 8f 45 c2 b4 e4 c8 fb 86 11 7d | |.9...6.E.......}|
| 64 7e 7f 93 31 e3 8d 7d 6c 69 a2 73 7b ef ee d3 | |d~..1..}li.s{...|
| a7 ff 54 1b 45 1a b9 fa dd f5 31 31 7e 06 3f 3d | |..T.E.....11~.?=|
| 2e fc da c9 05 bf e8 53 12 37 b8 2b 68 ad da 14 | |.......S.7.+h...|
set clientrandom with type EXPORTER_SECRET
| dd 1d 0e 0a 26 2f af bd 3d 85 83 f0 cd 3b a3 ff | |....&/..=....;..|
| bf 39 b3 df 05 36 8f 45 c2 b4 e4 c8 fb 86 11 7d | |.9...6.E.......}|
| 6e 88 72 28 5c 52 50 ff c9 31 ca d9 37 76 83 4c | |n.r(\RP..1..7v.L|
| a8 32 00 d3 59 c5 dc b9 94 ac 07 ea 91 42 b3 39 | |.2..Y........B.9|
| 28 37 8c 03 3a 03 21 9f ed 9f 79 0e 10 90 45 11 | |(7..:.!...y...E.|
set clientrandom with type SERVER_TRAFFIC_SECRET_0
| dd 1d 0e 0a 26 2f af bd 3d 85 83 f0 cd 3b a3 ff | |....&/..=....;..|
| bf 39 b3 df 05 36 8f 45 c2 b4 e4 c8 fb 86 11 7d | |.9...6.E.......}|
| 06 2d 04 60 b4 e2 a4 8b 2f 32 d2 8d a0 b5 06 e6 | |.-.`..../2......|
| 33 5a e3 af 53 c8 52 6d 7f ad 0d 63 f9 28 20 e9 | |3Z..S.Rm...c.( .|
| a5 47 2a ff b2 e4 e5 5f 1d 28 c2 c2 21 f9 26 05 | |.G*...._.(..!.&.|
set clientrandom with type CLIENT_TRAFFIC_SECRET_0
| dd 1d 0e 0a 26 2f af bd 3d 85 83 f0 cd 3b a3 ff | |....&/..=....;..|
| bf 39 b3 df 05 36 8f 45 c2 b4 e4 c8 fb 86 11 7d | |.9...6.E.......}|
| b2 61 3c 2f 85 b4 06 27 3f bd be b5 6c c5 b6 69 | |.a</...'?...l..i|
| b7 78 7d 0c e6 b5 5f a7 ea 77 08 f6 c6 3e 06 95 | |.x}..._..w...>..|
| bc 78 68 0f 3b 17 ec 7b 4d 2d 68 dc f6 e4 6d de | |.xh.;..{M-h...m.|
find clientrandom for all type
| dd 1d 0e 0a 26 2f af bd 3d 85 83 f0 cd 3b a3 ff | |....&/..=....;..|
| bf 39 b3 df 05 36 8f 45 c2 b4 e4 c8 fb 86 11 7d | |.9...6.E.......}|
* clientrandom found
1 ->
REGISTER;transport=tls SIP/2.0....

Security instructions for sending keys from keylogger via public network

The keylogger by default sends the observed keys in a plaintext using UDP packets to voipmonitor instance which is responsible for parsing storing/decrypting the calls. In case that the keylogger and the sniffer are not in same host, the keys/packets from keylogger can be intercepted and keys revealed. Therefor you can make the keylogger with **make with_tcp** option which will set to use TCP and encrypte the keys exchange between keylogger and the voipmonitor sniffer making it impossible to reveal the key.

build the keylogger with TCP/encryption support

BEWARE: when used TCP stack for the keylogger the debuging is not possible - git the decruption working using default UDP first.

make with_tcp

change the preload command/line when pbx service starts

Instead of UDP use preload with TCP (SSL_KEYLOG_UDP changed to _TCP)

env SSLKEYLOG_TCP='' LD_PRELOAD="/usr/local/src/voipmonitor-git/tools/ssl_keylogger/ /usr/local/lib64/" kamailio 

change/set the related options of config voipmonitor.conf for sniffer service

ssl_sessionkey_udp = no
#ssl_sessionkey_udp_port = 
#ssl_sessionkey_udp_ip = 
ssl_sessionkey_bind =
ssl_sessionkey_bind_port = 1234

Note: change the bind IP and port to what IP:port is reachable from the keylogger host.

Decryption options for DTLS SRTP detailed

Explanation of SRTP Key Assembly from DTLS Packets

To assemble an SRTP key from DTLS packets, it is necessary to:

1. Capture DTLS packets.
2. Receive the key from the keylogger.

The problem is that DTLS packets are at the very beginning of the RTP stream (or rather, just before it). So, before the SIP/SDP evaluation (and thus the assignment of IP/ports to RTP streams) occurs, DTLS packets may pass through processing without being assigned to a call. Additionally, if SIP is encrypted over TLS, there may be a delay while waiting for the key from the keylogger.

Solutions Implemented

  1. DTLS Packet Queue
  2. Unified DTLS Packet Processing

1.DTLS Packet Queue

If a DTLS packet is not assigned to any call, it goes into a queue. This queue is divided into streams based on IP/ports. If an encrypted RTP packet arrives, it checks whether there are DTLS packets in the queue. If so, they are processed.

DTLS processing is part of RTP processing. The behavior of the DTLS queue is determined by the following parameters:

ssl_dtls_queue = YES (default)/no
Enables the queue; if the queue is not enabled, DTLS packets may be lost, and decryption may fail.
ssl_dtls_queue_expiration = 10s (default)
The time after which DTLS packets in the queue expire and are discarded.
ssl_dtls_queue_keep = yes / NO (default)
Allows DTLS packets to remain in the queue after their first successful use, expiring only after the set time. This is particularly useful if `srtp_rtp_local_instances = yes` is enabled (see below).

2.Unified DTLS Packet Processing

All DTLS packets go into a shared processing stream. In this process, DTLS packets are analyzed to extract the necessary information, such as client_random and server_random. These details are organized by IP/ports.

When an encrypted RTP packet arrives for RTP processing, it checks whether the client_random and server_random details exist and if the key has been received from the keylogger. If so, SRTP keys are computed, and decryption can occur.

Capturing DTLS packets in this method is handled by a thread marked as r in the log, which is minimally loaded as it only passes RTP packets to further processing.

Combined Methods

The combination of these methods is determined by the parameter ssl_dtls_handshake_safe:

NO (default)`
Only method 1 is used.
Both methods 1 and 2 are used; method 1 has priority.
Both methods 1 and 2 are used; method 2 has priority.
Only method 2 is used.

We concluded that method 2 could fully replace method 1, additionally placing less load on the CPU. However, this conclusion has not been applied to the sniffer.



The parameter ssl_dtls_rtp_local is replaced by srtp_rtp_local_instances. When enabled, each RTP stream creates its own instance for decryption. Otherwise, a decryption instance is created jointly for SIP/SDP details of IP/port (in the sniffer for the index in the ip_port table).

The parameter ssl_sessionkey_keep is not just related to DTLS. It ensures that the received keylogger key remains in processing until it expires, rather than being discarded after its first successful use. It is enabled by default since develop version 2025.03.1 (it is disabled by default in previous versions of the sniffer)

Sniffer Pseudo-Parameter

The sniffer has a pseudo-parameter ssl_dtls_boost, which is enabled by default since develop version 2025.03.1 (it is disabled by default in previous versions of the sniffer)

When enabled, it sets:

ssl_dtls_queue_expiration = 30
ssl_sessionkey_keep = yes
ssl_dtls_queue_keep = yes
ssl_dtls_handshake_safe = ext
ssl_dtls_rtp_local = yes