Call Detail Record - CDR

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CDR shows all saved and finished calls in the database cdr table. The CDR main window is divided to the CDR list and Dashboard at the bottom. Dashboard can be resize or hiden.

CDR list window

Title bar

CDR list starts with Title bar where the usercan quickly filter calls based on date range. (please note that this date range will not be active if you disabled it in user preferences).

Button panel

Below the CDR title is the button panel where you can list through CDR pages and access filters and other features

Filter Form button

clicking on Filter Form button shows an advanced Search form with two tabs on top - “common” and “RTP”. All search parameters can be saved as a template for repetitive usage.

Common tab

Date range filters CDR based on Date and/or Hour/Minute criteria.

Caller called number or name or domain can be filtered for a specific number/string or for specific prefix “222%” or specific suffix “%222”. (please note that searching for a suffix uses reversed column with the index and is as fast as searching for a prefix). You can also search only for the caller or only for the called number clicking on the arrow and selecting Caller num. You can also combine searching by “,” and use negation – 222%, 223%, !2232% - this example means search calls starting with 222 or 223 but not starting with 2232.