Create audio from packet dumps located in a spooldir
If you need to get audio from a SIP and RTP packets dump stored in spooldir by voipmonitor sniffer, continue reading.
to have full RTP+SIP captures in a spooldir you get this with following options voipmonitor.conf
savesip=yes savertp=yes
You can also use capture rules in a GUI to get full RTP captures only for some IPs/Telnums
Get (SIP+RTP) pcaps
Example is for the call with call-id: ad856a3587b477e2f8edc21856c6f2e1 (done at 2021-03-30 14:44) from spooldir with default compression settings
tar --wildcards -xOf '/var/spool/voipmonitor/2021-03-30/14/44/RTP/rtp_2021-03-30-14-44.tar' 'ad856a3587b477e2f8edc21856c6f2e1.pcap*' > tmp/aa/ad856a3587b477e2f8edc21856c6f2e1_RTP_lzo.pcap tar --wildcards -C /tmp/aa -xzf '/var/spool/voipmonitor/2021-03-30/14/44/SIP/sip_2021-03-30-14-44.tar.gz' 'ad856a3587b477e2f8edc21856c6f2e1.pcap*'
Decompress LZO
you need to decompress RTP packet dump using sniffer binary: (by default the RTP packet dumps are additionally compressed with internal lzo)
voipmonitor -kc --unlzo-gui='/tmp/aa/ad856a3587b477e2f8edc21856c6f2e1_RTP_lzo.pcap /tmp/aa/ad856a3587b477e2f8edc21856c6f2e1_RTP.pcap'
Merge SIP and RTP packets together
mergecap /tmp/aa/ad856a3587b477e2f8edc21856c6f2e1_RTP.pcap /tmp/aa/ad856a3587b477e2f8edc21856c6f2e1.pcap -w /tmp/aa/merged.pcap
Use sniffer binary and GUI's codecs binary to generate the audio file
you need to put link of vmcodecs binary into PATH and prepare config file for audio create
create link to vmcodecs binary
to create the link to vmcodecs binary located in ./bin subfolder of voipmonitor's GUI - this is necessary to allow to create audio also from other then g711 codecs (requires working GUI license and GUI installation)
ln -s /var/www/html/bin/vmcodecs /sbin/vmcodecs
create the new config file for audio create
Example content of a file **/etc/voipmonitorcliwav.conf** file:
[general] saveaudio=ogg ogg_quality = 0.1 #saveaudio=wav saveaudio_stereo=no saveaudio_afterconnect = yes nocdr=yes keycheck=/var/www/html/php/lib/keycheck.php spooldir=/tmp
the CLI command for generate the audio
voipmonitor --config-file /etc/voipmonitorcliwav.conf -k -v0 -r /tmp/aa/merged.pcap --json_config='[{"saveaudio":"wav"},{"spooldir":"/tmp/testAu"}]'
Note: the setting in voipmonitorcliwav.conf is overriden by --json-config option, above command will result in wav file in /tmp/testAu folder.