Shibboleth and other auth modules
- installed functional Shibboleth-sp in Apache2 (or SW with similar functionality). The installation is beyond the scope of this document.
How does it work
When enabled in the GUI settings then the GUI search for the REMOTE_USER header (provided by Shibboleth sp) and uses it as auth user.
- enable it with GUI->Settings->System configuration : Use Shibboleth for auth
- after the Shibboleth auth the GUI's Shibboleth button will appear in GUI login dialog
- after clicking on this button the content of REMOTE_USER header is used as the user in the GUI database for getting user's privileges
- login is done
Note about logout
The Shibboleth logout URL is constructed from Shib-Handler header + '/Logout' string. If not available then from HTTP_HOST header + '/Shibboleth.sso/Logout' string.