Collectd installation
Httpd You need to have installed web server with enabled perl and CGI scripts processing (for be possible to look at results using web-browser). This how to doesn't cover web server configuation.
Install collectd packages from epel repositories:
yum install epel-release yum install collectd yum install collectd-web
Atention: by default is web-collection accessible only from localhost, see config of httpd (search for 'Deny from' and 'Allow from' and change it:
vim /etc/httpd/conf.d/collectd.conf service httpd restart
You can now access collectd collections entering this url to a browser:
For ability checking results using browser you need web server with enabled CGI and perl scripts processing.
Enable apache2 modules
perl cgi
using command a2enmod .
Add CGI handler into apache processing (in mime.conf uncomment)
AddHandler cgi-script .cgi
Define +ExecCGI option under directory where will be collctd's GUI link placed
<Directory "/var/www/html/abcdefg/collectd"> Options +ExecCGI </Directory>
Install collectd packages from debian main repositories:
apt-get install collectd libregexp-common-perl libconfig-general-perl librrds-perl
Create link from default www directory to collectd's doc.
ln -s /usr/share/doc/collectd-core/examples/collection3/ /var/www/collectd
Restart apache web-server (you should have cgid mod enabled "a2enmod cgid")
/etc/init.d/apache2 restart
You can now access using browser:
Install collectd packages from debian main repositories:
apt-get install collectd libregexp-common-perl libconfig-general-perl librrds-perl
Create link from default www directory to collectd's collections.
ln -s /usr/share/doc/collectd-core/examples/collection3/ /var/www/html/collectd
Restart apache
service apache2 restart
You can now access using browser:
Tail config example
LoadPlugin tail <Plugin tail> <File "/var/log/messages"> Instance "voipmonitor" Interval 30 <Match> Regex "calls.([0-9]+)," DSType "GaugeAverage" Type "count" Instance "Calls" </Match> <Match> Regex "PS\\[C:([0-9]+)" DSType "GaugeAverage" Type "count" Instance "PS-C" </Match> <Match> Regex "PS\\[.* R:([0-9]+)" DSType "GaugeAverage" Type "count" Instance "PS-R" </Match> <Match> Regex "PS\\[.* A:([0-9]+)" DSType "GaugeAverage" Type "count" Instance "PS-a" </Match> </File> </Plugin>