Sniffer upgrade
Upgrade or Downgrade from web GUI
Go to settings -> sensors and do the upgrade from there. Only running sniffers can be downgraded or upgraded via GUI. If you need to do downgrade, click on (+) for details, and then click on Blue UPGRADE button, dropbox will appear with versions available for downgrade/upgrade.
Manual upgrade or downgrade
Stop running sniffer service
/etc/init.d/voipmonitor stop # In case that service won't stop, press CTRL+C and use KILL signal to terminate the process with a force: kill -9 `pgrep voipmonitor` # In case that multiple instances of voipmonitor are running there, use last command multiple-times.
Choose a package version on a sourceforge site
Find voipmonitor*.tar.gz file of your choice at site and use the link for wget command in step by step How To Install Sniffer
Example of wget command for version 20.4.4 with ss7(wireshark) module
wget -O voipmonitor-wireshark-amd64-20.4.4-static.tar.gz --content-disposition --no-check-certificate
Download just a binary file directly from voipmonitor
Beware that only few latest versions are available
Example link for 32bit version of 20.4.4 sniffer binary
Example link for 64bit version of 20.4.4 sniffer binary
Example link for ArmV6(RPI) and SS7(wireshark) sniffer bianaries
Curently those binaries are not available directly - use steps for installing packages from a sourceforge above to download whole package and steps to install sniffer.
step by step for upgrade using downloaded binary file for 64bit
#You can backup previous version of a sniffer mv /usr/local/sbin/voipmonitor /usr/local/sbin/voipmonitor-backup #Download gziped binary, rename it and unpack. wget --content-disposition --no-check-certificate mv voipmonitor.gz.64 voipmonitor.gz gunzip -c voipmonitor.gz > /usr/local/sbin/voipmonitor
#Ensure file is executable chmod +x /usr/local/sbin/voipmonitor
Check installed version
Locally using binary
Remotely using manager API of a running sniffer
echo 'sniffer_version'|nc 5029
where is IP of a 'managerip' and 5029 is 'managerport' defined in this sniffer's config
Start installed version
/etc/init.d/voipmonitor start #or service voipmonitor start