Multiple sniffer instancies
How to start more sniffer instancies in a single host
t.e. useful to distinct between calls which came via which network interface of a single host in a GUI (using id_sensor)
If a single instance is runing ok there - you can add manually second instance by a following way:
copy of a binary
cp -a /usr/local/sbin/voipmonitor /usr/local/sbin/voipmon2
copy the init script and modify it to control voipmon2
cp /etc/init.d/voipmonitor /etc/init.d/voipmonitor/voipmon2 vim /etc/init.d/voipmonitor/voipmon2
In vim you can use ":%s/voipmonitor/voipmon2/gcc" as a command to change all voipmonitor words in the script with the voipmon2 word.
copy the config file
and modify inside id_sensor,interface,managerport,spooldir,maxpoolsize options at least (id_sensor and manager_port needs to be unique numbers)
cp -a /etc/voipmonitor.conf /etc/voipmon2.conf
make sure that RAM and storage fits
the sum of ringbuffer and sum of max_buffer_mem from all instancies not exceeds available free RAM same applies for spooldir option and its maxpoolsize (to not exceeds the available space on the partition where the spooldir of each instance is set)
systemd that new service is ready for use and start it
systemctl daemon-reload systemctl enable voipmon2 systemctl start voipmon2
verify service messages
in /var/log/syslog or by
journalctl -u voipmon2 --since="2024-12-20"|less
verify that there are no errors reported when sniffer service started.
add new instance into a GUI
open the GUI->settings->sensors and add the new instance by setting an api port configured by managerport option in config file