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== Debian7 ==
== Debian7 ==
Install collectd packages from debian main repositories:
Install collectd packages from debian main repositories:
  apt-get install collectd
  apt-get install collectd libregexp-common-perl libconfig-general-perl librrds-perl
Install perl modules
apt-get install build-essential autoconf automake libtool gdb
cpan install CPAN
cpan Config::General
cpan Regexp::Common
cpan HTML::Entities
apt-get install librrds-perl

Create link from default www directory to collectd's doc.
Create link from default www directory to collectd's doc.

Revision as of 18:04, 14 August 2015


Install collectd packages from epel repositories:

yum install epel-release
yum install collectd
yum install collectd-web

Atention: by default is web-collection accessible only from localhost, see config of httpd (search for 'Deny from' and 'Allow from' and change it:

vim /etc/httpd/conf.d/collectd.conf
service httpd restart

You can now access collectd collections entering this url to a browser:




Install collectd packages from debian main repositories:

apt-get install collectd libregexp-common-perl libconfig-general-perl librrds-perl

Create link from default www directory to collectd's doc.

ln -s /usr/share/doc/collectd-core/examples/collection3/ /var/www/collectd

Restart apache web-server (you should have cgid mod enabled "a2enmod cgid")

/etc/init.d/apache2 restart

You can now access using browser:



Install collectd packages from debian main repositories:

apt-get install collectd  libregexp-common-perl libconfig-general-perl librrds-perl

Create link from default www directory to collectd's collections.

ln -s /usr/share/doc/collectd-core/examples/collection3/ /var/www/html/collectd

Restart apache

service apache2 restart

You can now access using browser:
